Thursday, September 4, 2008

Topedo Ball

Okay. We have a new game that will be featured at this year's retreat. It fits well with the warrior theme. Don't forget, we'll all still be friends when it's over. Here it is...

Object: To be the last man standing

Equipment: 5-6 Nerf footballs

Location: Pine Cove

Organization: All players are scattered around the playing area waiting for the chosen leader to start the game by putting the footballs into play.

Play: Once the game begins it's every man for himself. Throw the footballs at other players and try to knock them out of the game. When you have a football you have 5 seconds to throw it or it explodes, and you are out. If you get hit with a football (or if you didn't throw it within 5 seconds), you must sit down where you were hit. You are not totally out of the game. You may still get any stray footballs that come within 3-4 feet of you and throw them at players who have not been hit. Play continues until only one player has not been hit with the football.


Q: Once I get hit, can I get back in the game?
A: No

Q: What happens if someone catches the ball I threw at them?
A: Nothing...but they have the ball now so you better run.

Q: If I have a football, can I block a ball that is thrown at me?
A: No.

Q: Can I tag someone with the ball?
A: No, you must release the ball.

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