In the quiet stillness you lay your head on your pillow, as a thousand thoughts filter through the recesses of your mind like spilt ink. You wrestle with the sheets knowing you have to get up early. Glancing over you notice your wife is already asleep. You take a deep breath and attempt to erase the background noise of the events of your day. It's not long until the disquieting hum of silence envelopes you.
For some unknown reason you begin to consider the day you will die. Your human nature struggles, simultaneously attempting to disregard the image, while the thoughts of your decay engage your senses. What's more, you understand that somehow, even in your death, you will be held accountable for your life. Your heart races as the chilling realization of your complete inability to save yourself rushes over you like a flood.
You get up and shuffle around the bed in the darkness. Maybe you just need a glass of water to clear your head. Flipping the switch in the kitchen you see your cell phone lying on the counter, it's dull green strobe pulsating endlessly. It brings to mind all you have to do tomorrow, and for some reason you feel a little better. With the thoughts of your own mortality chased away by tomorrow's plans you make your way back to bed. Your wife sleeps peacefully. The cool sheets and the sound of the ceiling fan offer their temporary comforts, and suddenly you are drifting away. Gone.
What frightens you? What really frightens you? I'm not talking about the momentary inconveniences of life we all struggle to avoid. I'm talking about the deep primal fear within every man. The fear of death. The fear of separation from your Creator.
Do you fear God? What does it mean to fear God anyway? Is it simply a fuzzy notion of deep respect and honor? Or could it mean something more? Could it really mean "fear"? Could it be the kind of fear that causes a man to drop face down in dirt in humble submission, begging for mercy?
God created all things. He rules all things. He judges all things. He is loving and merciful. He is righteous and just. We are all rebellious and deserving of his justice and wrath.
What are you afraid of?
I am thankful for my saviour, Jesus Christ. It is right to fear God, because his justice requires my punishment. Jesus bore God's wrath for me. Jesus is my righteousness. In Christ, God sees me as clean and his child. I am thankful. It is right to fear God.
In preparation for the retreat study Deuteronomy 6. Ask yourself if you fear God. Do you love him fully? Are you thankful for Christ taking your punishment? Are thankful for Christ being your righteousness?
Fear the Lord....Love the Lord....Thank the Lord....
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